Game of Thrones
The Starks and Their Dire Wolves
The Starks and Their Dire Wolves
Rickon Stark and ShaggyDog
Bran Stark and Summer
Arya Stark and Nymeria
Sansa Stark and Lady
Robb Stark and Grey Wind
Jon Stark and Ghost
Love or Duty
Love or Duty
Love is the death of duty.
Chooses duty over love
Chooses love over duty.
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Myrcella Baratheon
Myrcella Baratheon
Princess Myrcella Baratheon. Myrcella is the only daughter of Cersei and Jamie Lannister, she was wounded by Ser Gerold Dayne known as the Dark Star of Dorne.
Moon of My Life
Moon of My Life
My Life
My Sun
And Stars
Khal Drogo
Daenarys Targaryen
Arya Stark Anime
Arya Stark Anime
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